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第五十二章 生理期(1 / 2)


8:00 起床吃饭

8:30 和戈德里克一起练剑

9:30 和罗伊娜一起摆弄炼金术

12:00 吃午饭

12:30 练竖琴

13:30 看书、写作业

15:00 自由活动(完高布石、骑飞天扫帚)

16:30 练竖琴

17:30 看书

18:20 和赫加尔一起做晚饭

19:00 和萨拉查一起去捣鼓天文学

20:00 自由活动(五个人一起玩)

22:00 睡前故事(念阿尼马格斯的咒语)

22:30 睡觉


“Double, double toil and trouble.(不惮辛劳不惮烦)

Fire burn, and caldron bubble;(釜中沸沫已成澜)

Double, double toil and trouble,(不惮辛劳不惮烦)

Something wicked this way comes .(必有恶人来)

Eye of newt, and toe of frog .(蝾螈之眼青蛙趾)

Wool of bat, and tongue of dog;(蝙蝠之毛犬之齿)

Adder's fork, and blind-worm's sting.(蝮舌如叉蚯蚓刺)

Lizard's leg, and owlet's wing.(蜥蜴之足枭之翅)

Double, double toil and trouble,(不惮辛劳不惮烦)

Fire burn, and caldron bubble;(釜中沸沫已成澜)

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